When Bryan Was In Pharaoh’s Land

Let My People Go

My People, My People, these are My People.

I discovered a long time ago that I flourish around folks who are less inhibited. Folks willing to expose their talents on stage have a warped, fun loving relish for life; and incredibly thick skins. Oh Lord, and an endless stream of being novel and extraordinary.

It started in high school when I hung out with the theater folks. My best friend and I worked as stage hands for the thespian group. We painted props and staging, acted as stage hands, and had great times with much laughter. They were people who understood the twist in my brain that determines my behavior.

And I learned.

These are my people-

People I feel joy being around; being comfortable with one another.

Non argumentative people, who have opinions different than my own, open to the opinions of others.

People who don’t put down others.

Shared interests.

People open to opportunities, mine and theirs.

People who enjoy the company of my friends and family.

Those who are not envious and jealous.

Folks who listen.

No drama. Please, God, no.

Folks who do not drag down my time, whose bad choices do not affect my choices and decisions.

No such thing as perfect friends but everyone I choose to be my friend hangs in these categories.

My Chosen Ones.

Is there any thing we can help you with?


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