Category: Influences

  • Think Again

    Think Again

    Photograph Compliments Of Lucie Hosova Do I need to think again? I am constantly calling myself into question. Here are the things I must consider:Am I on the right path?Is my work meaningful, and does it matter? Think Again With Humbleness It is part of human nature to overestimate ourselves, especially when there isn’t adequate…

  • Influences and Mentorship

    Influences and Mentorship

    A mentor is someone who instills a success oriented mentality in somebody else. Steve Jobs was Mark Zuckerberg’s mentor. Oprah Winfrey’s – poet and author, Maya Angelou. Woody Guthrie mentored Bob Dylan. American actress, dancer and singer, Chita Rivera was mentored by her former teacher, Doris Jones.  And the list goes on The concept of…

  • Music As History

    Music As History

    Looking into music as history allows me to see the past, encountering persons, places and timeline; these things help me to develop a better understanding of where I have come from, present circumstances, my future destination. History impels me to consider matters which reveal the challenges of great artists, their successes and flat out grit.…