The Authenticity Of Truth: Our Inner-Soundtrack

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Estimated reading time: 14 minutes

Life is a vast and varied canvas and each of us is an artist. Hopefully, we are sketching a path that rings true to our innermost being. ‘The Authenticity Of Truth: Our Inner Soundtrack’ is a post that explores how art and life intertwine. Being guided by sincerity and authenticity, we create a melody that’s uniquely ours.

Here, we’re not just creating; we’re discovering the genuine rhythms that fuel our passions, shape our artistic endeavors, and carve out our personal truths. Our journey is a heartfelt song, blending different notes and rhythms. Life is all about moments of clarity, shades of doubt, strokes of joy, and tinges of challenge.

This post is an ode to all who strive to weave authenticity into their craft through music, art, or the simple act of living truthfully. It’s about finding harmony between who we are and what we create. Self-discovery and authentic expression are the true essence of our individual and collective narratives.

Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde, born in Dublin on October 16, 1854, to a surgeon father and a poet mother, grew up in a vibrant intellectual environment. His early life was marked by lively discussions at home, nurturing his wit and intellect. Wilde’s academic prowess shone at Trinity College, Dublin, and Magdalen College, Oxford, where his poem “Ravenna” won accolades, and his aesthetic dress and principles set him apart.

In London, Wilde quickly became a central figure in artistic circles, renowned for his flamboyant style and razor-sharp wit. He captivated salon audiences, challenging Victorian norms with his humor and intelligence. His plays, like “Lady Windermere’s Fan” and “The Importance of Being Earnest,” were satirical mirrors to society, combining laughter with a subtle critique of its follies.

Wilde married Constance Lloyd in 1884, and they had two sons. However, Wilde’s personal life was fraught with hidden complexities. His relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas was a silent rebellion against the moral constraints of the era but led to his downfall. After losing a libel case against the Marquess of Queensberry, Douglas’s father, Wilde was charged with “gross indecency.” The trial was a public spectacle, and he was sentenced to two years of hard labor, a punishment that devastated his health and reputation.

His Challenges

Wilde’s financial situation was always precarious. He often lived beyond his means, and his imprisonment only worsened his financial woes, plunging him and his family into debt. In prison, despite the hardships, Wilde’s spirit found expression in “The Ballad of Reading Gaol,” reflecting his experiences and inner turmoil.

Upon release, Wilde lived in exile in Paris under the name Sebastian Melmoth, a life marked by loneliness and continued financial struggles. His final years were a stark contrast to his earlier flamboyance, filled with isolation, regret, and deteriorating health.

Wilde passed away due to meningitis on November 30, 1900, at the age of 46. His final words were laced with his characteristic wit, yet overshadowed by the weariness of his trials. Despite the societal backlash he faced, Wilde’s legacy as a literary genius and a societal critic endures. His life and work continue to be celebrated for their brilliance, their poignant critique of hypocrisy, and their enduring testament to the beauty and complexity of living one’s truth authentically.

Trust In Simplicity

Wouldn’t it be astonishing that you, like your cat, could be guided by an inner truth, simple and clear? With her straightforward desires for a full bowl and a warm lap, your cat mirrors the beauty of living a life unencumbered by complexities. With charming forthrightness, she knows what she wants and unhesitatingly pursues it. This simplicity in her existence is something you can admire and learn from.

Think about your dog – ever loyal and trusting. Your companion lives a life of uncomplicated joy, teaching you the value of presence and the beauty of straightforwardness. Dogs don’t overthink; they simply are, and in their being, they exude trust and loyalty that’s both grounding and enlightening.

Certain truths stand firm in your life – the inevitability of duties like paying taxes, the complications of change, and life’s ultimate conclusion. These unalterable facts, though stark, ground you in reality. They remind you to appreciate the present, to find joy in the little things, and to embrace life’s fundamental truths.

As you grow and evolve, you can find that embracing the process of life, with all its ups and downs, is far more rewarding than resisting it. This realization, a personal truth, becomes a guiding light, leading you to a deeper understanding and appreciation of life’s unvarnished aspects.

Our pets teach us about the simplicity of existence. Their uncomplicated lives, driven by basic needs and desires, remind us of the importance of tuning into that inner soundtrack, the elemental truths that make us authentic.

The Sound Track Is The Silence

The wisdom of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart resonates profoundly. His insight: “The music is not in the notes but in the silence between,” is a concept of simplicity. It addresses complexity and offers a powerful parallel to the artistic process. More than that, it imparts a repose between the perplexities of life.

Mozart understood the significance of the pauses in music. You, too, can find a deeper meaning in simplicity. In every brush stroke, word penned, and note played, it’s often the unspoken, unwritten, and unplayed that holds the key to authenticity and depth. The quiet moments, these interludes, are the true essence of your life and the artistry to which you aspire.

Let the silence speak as loudly as the sounds. Allow the spaces between your creative outputs to be filled with meaning and intention. You’ll discover the heart of purity in these pauses.

Ask yourself: is it possible to reflect on the clear, open spaces and the times of tranquility? Like musical notes shape the rhythm and emotion of a piece, will the unadorned elegance in your art weave a story that resonates with your soul. Moderation and transparency are not only a standard of life but an expression of the narrative you wish to tell.

In your next piece, be it a painting, a song, or a story, remember Mozart’s wisdom. Let the simplicity of your creative expressions contribute to the narrative you wish to tell. By doing so, you embrace an art form that is as rich in its silences as in its sounds, as profound in its simplicity and complexity.

Kurt Vonnegut

In the heart of Indianapolis, a boy with a curious mind and a skeptical eye on the world grew amidst the roar of the Great Depression. Young Kurt Vonnegut, with his sharp wit and an even sharper pen, scribbled stories, already hinting at a voice that would one day challenge the world’s narratives.

World War II’s shadows reached him, and he found himself amidst the horrors of war, a witness to the firebombing of Dresden. These experiences, etched deep in his psyche, became the silent, pulsing undercurrent of his future writings.

Post-war, in a small, cluttered study, filled with the waft of cigarette smoke and the clatter of typewriter keys, Vonnegut toiled. His face, often lit only by the dim desk lamp, was a canvas of concentration, etched with lines of both humor and sorrow.

His stories, laced with irony and threaded with satire, leaped off the pages. They spoke of human follies, critiqued societal norms, and danced around the absurdities of existence. Vonnegut, with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, turned his traumatic war experiences into a narrative both bizarre and deeply human – ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ emerged as a testament to this.

Book signings and lectures had him facing seas of eager eyes and hungry minds. He stood, often with a self-deprecating grin, his words a mix of jest and profound wisdom, challenging his listeners to look beyond the obvious.

Vonnegut’s Mindset

But even amidst the applause and accolades, Vonnegut’s eyes held a distance, a reflection of a mind that constantly questioned, always pondered. His success never dimmed the restlessness of his spirit, the perpetual quest for meaning in a seemingly indifferent universe.

Vonnegut’s journey was a dance with words, a battle with conventions, a love affair with the human condition. And when he left, his typewriter silent, his chair empty, he left behind a legacy woven into the fabric of American literature, a voice that had dared to laugh, to weep, to hope, and above all, to tell the truth.

Changing The Inner Soundtrack

Back in my college days, jazz and funk were my sanctuaries, the rhythms and grooves a testament to what I believed was the pinnacle of musical skill. In the dimly lit corners of jazz clubs, I watched the masters at work, their fingers effortlessly coaxing magic from their instruments. I was certain that this was the epitome of musical excellence, the standard I aspired to reach.

But life, as always, had other plans. I found myself on the road with a Country/Rock band, a world away from the jazz stages I idolized. Surrounded by twangs of pedal steel guitars and the soulful narratives of country music, I felt like a fish out of water. The roads we traveled, the stages we played, were filled with melodies and stories so different from what I knew, yet they spoke to the heart just as powerfully.

That year was a revelation. Playing alongside musicians who breathed Country and Rock, I realized my own limitations. The melodies of Willie Nelson and the poignant storytelling of Patsy Cline were lessons in humility and depth. I had been too proud, too narrow in my view, to see the genius in their simplicity, the artistry in their stories.

The Path

It’s a journey I’m still on, learning to detach from past beliefs and open myself to the myriad voices of music. I’ve come to understand that each genre, each artist, brings something valuable to the table. The process of unlearning, of challenging my own opinions, has become a vital part of my growth.

A teacher once advised, “Think about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable.” In rethinking my musical tastes, in embracing the diverse landscapes of sound, I find these qualities in places I never expected. It’s a work in progress, this journey of growth and openness, but it’s a road I’m glad to be on, exploring the vast, beautiful world of music beyond the confines of jazz and funk.

Humility And The Willingness To Change

Have you listened and tuned in to the advice given about creativity? It is penetrating: Nurturing creativity is a state of essence that transcends the material, a place of comfort, enthusiasm, and love. These immeasurable qualities often drive an artist’s passions more than financial rewards. This ethos is embodied by those who live a life defined not by monetary gain but by emotional and spiritual fulfillment.

Many artists create not for financial rewards but for the sheer joy and fulfillment art brings. Many of our gratifying moments haven’t stemmed from traditional employment but from the times we have poured our souls into art. The tangible value of our craft lies in its ability to resonate with the heart and spirit.

Personal growth and artistic development are intertwined regardless of the endeavor. Introspection and honest self-assessment build a vision for the pilgrimage of life. Obstacles such as self-doubt and external criticism are part of the journey; these are challenges to be faced and overcome. Understand the importance of investing time and energy in what truly matters. Consistently work towards goals.


Embracing the artistic journey is about personal growth and broad exploration of one’s art. At its core, this journey is guided by trust and truth, where fulfilling one’s vision emerges as the pinnacle of achievement. This trust is nurtured from within, born from a deep commitment to one’s chosen path.

The growth process involves not just introspection but also an openness to the perspectives of others. Listening to diverse opinions, even those that may challenge or unsettle, becomes a pivotal part of refining and focusing on one’s ultimate goal. It’s in this balancing act of internal conviction and external input that an artist finds clarity and direction.

Learning from the experiences of predecessors is invaluable. Observing the paths they’ve carved and understanding the reliability of their successes and failures offers a rich tapestry of lessons. In these stories, one finds both inspiration and caution, aiding in the navigation of one’s own artistic odyssey. With its blend of self-belief and wisdom drawn from others, this journey becomes a powerful conduit for artistic evolution and personal fulfillment.

Trust A Midst Doubt: Listening To The Inner Soundtrack

Navigating the complexities of trust a midst the cacophony of life’s uncertainties, I often ponder deeply personal questions. Who am I really? How do I perceive myself, and how much of that perception can I truly trust? The journey to self-trust is winding and fraught with doubts about others, the systems we live within, and the fabric of our societal structures.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve come to embrace the process of living and learning, finding it far preferable to stagnation. This realization has become a cornerstone of my personal truth. In my circle of friends, each with their unique approach to life, I’ve found a richness of perspectives that I value deeply. Their diversity, especially among my musician friends, inspires me with their boundless imagination.

Observing people around me, I recognize the spectrum of wisdom and folly. It’s sometimes challenging to comprehend the decisions others make and the paths they choose. This observation often leads to introspective moments where I question my intelligence and understanding, finding comfort, albeit fleetingly, in these comparisons.


Trusting myself has become a central theme in my life. Being true to myself, avoiding self-deception, and maintaining integrity in my beliefs and actions is a continual endeavor. This extends to my views on job security, trust in the government, and even the media. The constant barrage of disheartening news – from political unrest to natural disasters, interspersed with relentless commercial advertising – has made me question the sources shaping public opinion and health.

These reflections lead me to question if there’s more than meets the eye, a hidden layer beneath the obvious. The science behind mental health and the guidance of self-help gurus align with my experience: the thoughts we harbor significantly impact our well-being. Allowing fear and negativity to dominate can lead to elevated stress and its physical manifestations. Conversely, focusing on positive, constructive thoughts is a barrier against negativity’s encroachment on my mental peace.

Ultimately, it’s about tuning into my inner soundtrack, that personal symphony of thoughts and beliefs, and orchestrating it harmoniously with my truth and well-being. This is my journey of navigating trust amidst doubt and finding balance amid life’s relentless orchestration.

Can We Help You

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As we journey through the intricate tapestry of trust and truth in our artistic and personal lives, we find ourselves navigating paths filled with varying degrees of certainty. Your engagement and thoughts are invaluable on this journey. Thank you sincerely for reading and being a part of this exploration.

I warmly invite you to delve deeper into these themes by listening to my podcast, Bryan At Mackncheeze. You can find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and many other platforms. You can also find us on YouTube at Bryan At Mackncheeze. Each episode and video is an opportunity to explore further the complexities and joys of our artistic journeys.

Your voice matters in this conversation. I encourage you to share your experiences and insights in the comments. Let’s foster a community of support and inspiration. And if you find value in what we’re creating here, please consider subscribing and sharing the podcast with others who might resonate with these discussions.

Together, let’s continue to explore, learn, and grow. Your participation, your sharing, and your subscription help build a space where trust, truth, and artistry intersect, creating a symphony of collective growth and understanding.

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